Akin Community Consolidated School District #91

January 22, 2018
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Text Box: Kelly Clark-Balliet Superintendent BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING




6:00 p.m.



2. ROLL CALL- K. Pemberton, S. Wilson, D. Shelton, D. Clark, J. Wilkerson, S. Sniderwin all present with M. Genet absent.



***Secretary Genet is absent.  President Clark appoints Jeff Wilkerson to be secretary for the meeting.


3. Audience Participation: (limited to 10 minutes total unless extended by the board).

    Attendees included: Heather Barclay (Contract), Tammy McCollum, Kayla Herman.


4.  A motion is hereby made by J. Wilkerson to enter into closed session for the purpose of considering information regarding the appointment, evaluation, performance, employment and/or dismissal of personnel and student disciplinary actions.

Seconded by: S. Wilson

     Role call vote: All Voted Yes


Closed Session began at 6:04 p.m.


A Motion is made by S. Wilson to end closed session at 6:25 p.m.

     Seconded by- K. Pemberton

     Role Call Vote- All Voted Yes


5.*  A motion is made by S. Wilson to approve a Consent Agenda; which includes:  the regular board of education minutes from previous meeting/s, the treasurer’s report/activity fund report, and to approve the bills to be paid as presented.

     Seconded by- K. Pemberton

     Role call vote: All Voted Yes





6.              OLD BUSINESS



7.         NEW BUSINESS


7a.i.  Motion is made by: S. Wilson to acknowledge first reading of proposed board policy:

4:110-AP3 Administrative Procedure-School Bus Safety Rules

   Seconded by- K. Pemberton

           Role call vote- All Voted Yes


       7a.ii.  Motion is made by: K. Pemberton to acknowledge                                 first reading of proposed board policy:

        4:160 Environmental Quality of Building and Grounds

         Seconded by-S. Wilson

     Role call vote: All Voted Yes


7a.iii.  Motion is made by: J. Wilkerson to acknowledge first reading of proposed board policy:

7:285-AP   Administrative Procedure-Implementing a Food Allergy Management Program

           Seconded by- K. Pemberton       

       Role call vote- All Voted Yes

8. Superintendent/Principal’s reports


a.    Akin District Financial Rating- As I emailed you Wednesday, we are a 4 out of 4!  That means our balances are such that we are not in danger of financial woes, basically. 

b.  Set Homecoming DateMarch 23, 2018

c.    Statements of Economic Interest- Need to be filled out.

d.  7th Grade Tournament- February 12-15. 

e.   Emergency Days- I have 5 built into the calendar as emergency days.  We have used al 5.  After 5 the State Board will allow us to declare by Board vote, Act of God Days.  If needed this will be done after the last day of school when the final calendar is adopted and then I can submit to the ROE.  Our final day of school will be May 29th with the Teacher Inservice on May25th with Memorial Day in between.

***Other timely information as needed

f.    Architect Information about Concrete and Awning Project. See Handout.

g.  Freshmen Orientation scheduled for Thursday March 22nd from 6 to 7:30 pm


9. Other Board Items:


10. Upcoming Events


11. A motion is hereby made by D. Clark to adjourn the regular meeting of the Akin board of education at 7:05 pm. The next meeting will be held on February 26, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.

 Seconded by: S. Sniderwin

    GROUP VOTE:  All Voted Yes








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