Akin Community Consolidated School District #91

March 21, 2018
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Text Box: Kelly Clark-Balliet Superintendent BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING

AGENDA NOTES:      MARCH 21, 2018



6:00 p.m.


1. CALL TO ORDER: 6:00p.m.

2. ROLL CALL (MARK EACH IF PRESENT): K. Pemberton, S. Wilson, D. Shelton, D. Clark, M. Genet, J. Wilkerson, S. Sniderwin and Tammy McCollum


3. Audience Participation: (limited to 10 minutes total unless extended by the board).

     Attendees included: Clarissa and Connor Fauset, M. Williford, A.Walker, D.   Williams, K. Wilkerson, T. Dean, H. Barclay


4.  A motion is hereby made by J. Wilkerson to enter into closed session for the purpose of considering information regarding the appointment, evaluation, performance, employment and/or dismissal of personnel and student disciplinary actions.

Seconded by: M. Genet 

     Role call vote: All Voted Yes


Closed Session began at 6:15 p.m.


A Motion is made by S. Wilson to end closed session at 7:00 p.m.

      Seconded by: K. Pemberton


5.*  A motion is made by  S. Sniderwin to approve a Consent Agenda; which includes:  the regular board of education minutes from previous meeting/s, the treasurer’s report/activity fund report, to approve the bills to be paid as presented and to adopt School Board Policy 6:50 School Wellness.

     Seconded by: D. Shelton

     Role call vote: All Voted Yes




6.                              OLD BUSINESS-NONE


7.           NEW BUSINESS        


7a.     Motion is made by: D. Clark to rehire and grant tenure to teacher, Corey Kelley

           Seconded by: S. Wilson

           Role call vote: All Voted Yes


7b.    Motion is made by: K. Pemberton to rehire teacher, Andy Davis.

         Seconded by: M. Genet   

         Role call vote: All Voted Yes


7.c.  Motion is made by: S. Wilson to rehire teacher, Abbie Walker.

     Seconded by: K. Pemberton  

Role call vote: All Voted Yes


7.d.  Motion is made by: D. Shelton to rehire teacher, Deziree Williams.

Seconded by: M. Genet       

Role call vote: All Voted Yes


7.e.  Motion is made by: K.Pemberton to rehire teacher,  Kayla Hermann.

Seconded by: D. Clark           

Role call vote: All Voted Yes


7.f       Motion is made by: S. Wilson  to accept the resignation of Andy Davis as Assistant Track Coach and to hire Corey Kelley as Assistant Track Coach for the 2018 season.

Seconded by: M. Genet       

Role call vote: All Voted Yes


7.g.        Motion is made by M. Genet for the closed session minutes from March 2017 to August 2017 to remain closed due to privacy issues

Seconded by: S. Wilson

Role call vote: All Voted Yes



7.                             Superintendent/Principal’s reports

a.     Title I/RtI Substitute As I told you earlier, Mrs. Bean’s doctor has put her on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy.  We have hired Mrs. DuPuy to substitute through the end of the year. Having fundraiser April 14 for Mrs. Bean school will pay for items needed.

b.     Mine Report The blasting has not begun as of yet.  James Plumley comes by periodically to report to me.  He came by today and the first blast is scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, March 22, 2018 after 3:30 PM.

c.      ROE Compliance Visit Making progress with the compiling of documentation that is required.  The visit on site is April 12th.

d.      RtI Revisions The Special Ed/RtI committee has been meeting to revise our notification system for RtI.  We are going to send an opening letter in the registration packet and then adding levels of notification letters to go with the level of RtI services the student receives.Work with Forms for Special Ed. 

e.      ***Other timely information will be discussed at the meeting

Can we get an income statement of cash flow for future meetings.


8.                             Other Board Items


9.   Upcoming Events


A motion is hereby made by S.Wilson to adjourn the regular meeting of the Akin board of education at 7:15 pm. The next meeting will be held on April 23, 2018 at 6:00 p.m.

     Seconded by: J. Wilkerson

    GROUP VOTE:   YES           NO

Location of Meeting: Akin Grade School Computer Lab

21962 Akin Blacktop, Akin, IL 62890







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