Akin Community Consolidated School District #91

February Minutes 2019

Veteran's Day Salute!
Student Handbook
Breakfast/Lunch Menu
Calendar of Events
Computer Use Policy
Board of Education
Board of Education Agendas and Minutes
District Budget
Akin Computer Inventory
Homework Hotline
.Teacher Links
IAR Assessment
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AGENDA MINUTES: February 25, 2019



6:00 p.m.



Present:  K. Pemberton, S.Wilson, D. Shelton, D. Clark, J. Wilkerson, S. Sniderwin and J. Carlton.



3. Audience Participation: (limited to 10 minutes total unless extended by the board).

     Attendees included: Mrs. Barclay and Mrs. Hermann


4.  A motion is hereby made by J.Wilkerson to enter into closed session for the purpose of considering information regarding the appointment, evaluation, performance, employment and/or dismissal of personnel and student disciplinary actions.

Seconded by K. Pemberton.


Role call vote:

K. Pemberton, S.Wilson, D. Shelton, D. Clark, J. Wilkerson, S. Sniderwin and J. Carlton.


Closed Session began at 6:01 p.m.


A Motion is made by J. Carlton to end closed session at 7:01 p.m.


Seconded by D. Shelton.


5.*  A motion is made by J. Wilkerson to approve a Consent Agenda; which includes:  the regular board of education minutes from previous meeting/s, the treasurer’s report/activity fund report and to approve the bills to be paid as presented. 

This motion is seconded by K. Pemberton.


Role call vote:

Present:  K. Pemberton, S.Wilson, D. Shelton, D. Clark, S. Sniderwin, J. Wilkerson, and J. Carlton (all yes). 




6.                             OLD BUSINESS

Update on Gym Floor


7.           NEW BUSINESS        


7.a  Motion is made by: S. Wilson to accept Mr. Wayer’s resignation as band/music instructor and seconded by K. Pemberton.


Role call vote:


Present:  K. Pemberton, S.Wilson, D. Shelton, D. Clark, S. Sniderwin, J. Wilkerson, and J. Carlton (all yes). 



b. A motion is made by J. Carlton to sek applications for the band/music positon.

Seconded by K. Pemberton


Role call vote:


Present:  K. Pemberton, S.Wilson, D. Shelton, D. Clark, S. Sniderwin, J. Wilkerson and J. Carlton (all yes). 


c. A motion is made D. Shelton to seek applications for assistant track coach for the 2018-2019 school year. Seconded by S. Sniderwin.


Role call vote:


Present:  K. Pemberton, S.Wilson, D. Shelton, D. Clark, S. Sniderwin, J. Wilkerson and J. Carlton (all yes). 


d. A motion is made by J. Carlton to set 8th grade graduation for May 14, 2019. 

Seconded by D. Shelton


Role call vote:


Present:  K. Pemberton, S.Wilson, D. Shelton, D. Clark, S. Sniderwin, J. Wilkerson and J. Carlton (all yes). 




8.     Superintendent/Principal’s reports:

a.     IAS – Illinois Assessment will begin April 1st. 

b.    Update on HLS inspection

c.      Lockdown drill was on February 27th



9. Other Board Items:


10.         Upcoming Events:  Homecoming scheduled for April 18th

Board received a handout on school events for the month of February.

Last day of school May23rd. 


11. A motion is hereby made by D. Clark and seconded by J. Wilkerson to adjourn the regular meeting of the Akin board of education at 7:01. (am/ pm). The next meeting will be held on April 22, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.



GROUP VOTE:   YES           NO




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