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Akin PTO

Monthly Meeting

November 4, 2013


AGS PTO held their monthly meeting on 11/04/2013 in the school cafeteria.  Officers in attendance included:  Terri Dean, President; Amanda Bradley, Vice President, Angie Crawford, Treasurer, and Becky Clark, Secretary. 2 parents, 3 teachers, 1 teacher/parent  and AGS Principal, Kelly Clark.


The meeting was called to order and the Pledges were led by AGS PTO President, Terri Dean.  The minutes from the November 2013  meeting were read by Becky Clark, Secretary . A motion to accept the  minutes as read was made by Kendee Pemberton, 2nd by Amy Genet. Motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report- presented by Angie Crawford, Treasurer.  The balance in the general PTO fund is over $20,000.  Fall fest money: Auction $2076, Games $559, BBQ $1216, King/Queen $598, Donation $10.  These are appx. Amounts which do not include expenses.  Some expenses include: Oriental Trading $63 (game prizes), newspaper ad $48, BBQ $300, Totes $48 (baskets for auction), Cotton Candy $38, Various other $31. Specific details will available at December meeting regarding Fall Fest 2013. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Kendee Pemberton, 2nd by Kelly Clark.



OLD BUSINESS                                                                                             Terri Dean


Fall Festival- PTO President Terri Dean asked if there were any suggestions to improve Fall Fest.  Suggestions included more games and a way to better handle BBQ/meal tickets.


RADA- PTO is going to try to get books out the week of November 18th so that students will have them the weekend prior to Thanksgiving and during that break.  Orders and money will be due back around Dec. 2nd in order to have for pick up at the Christmas program.


Pink Out-  The Pink Out for October was cancelled due to the opposing team canceling the game.  A tentative new date is December 5th.  All previous information from October meeting remains the same regarding this event.


October Class Attendance Winner- 1st grade was the winner.  The selected DQ ice cream treat.


October Door Prize Winner- Nicole Leonard



NEW BUSINESS_____________________                                                  Terri Dean

4th Grade Poems- The 4th grade presentation was Halloween Poems with similies.  Mrs. Wilburn, 4th grade teacher explained that the students had created some pumpkin/cat drawings from a classroom activities.  Then the students created a group poem with each students portion of the poem.  Justin Genet help Ms. Wilburn present the class work.



Sports Donations -Previously the PTO has donated $500 to each sport to help the AGS athletics.  Discussion was made to make dance and cheer two separate sports due to the number of students participating.  A motion was made by Kendee Pemberton to donate $500 to Basketball, Volleyball, Track, Dance and  Cheer.  Amber Dial 2nd.  Motion carried.


Springfield Field Trip-Discussion regarding field trip was held.  PTO members and AGS principal selected May as the tentative date for the trip.  Drury is where they had stayed in the past (free breakfast & evening snacks). Angie Crawford will follow up with this. Discussion set for December meeting regarding specific details and arrangements.




Santa Shop- This is not a money maker but for the students to have an opportunity to purchase items for family at Christmas. After scheduling with Kelly Clark, the Santa Shop will be held December 18th and 19th. Students will be limited to 5 items on first shopping trip.  Once all students have had an opportunity then extra items may be purchased.  Mrs. Wilburn, Mrs. Cocke, Ms. Hardwick, and Amanda Bradley will be the buyers.  PTO discussed and suggested $550 dollars be spent to purchase items. Motion made by Alicia Hardwick, 2nd by Kelly Clark.  Motion carried.


Cookies for Christmas Concert-PTO has provided cookies and punch in the past.  PTO is planning on doing again this year.  Cookies will be purchased from Jade Palmer again if possible. Angie will check on how many we order the previous year.  A motion was made by Kendee Pemberton and 2nd by Amy Genet. Motion Carried






  • Principal Kelly Clark – Change of date for Pink Out.  New date Dec. 5th.




Drawing for attendance prize-Winner:  Kelly Clark


Next meeting Wednesday, December 4th at 5:00 p.m.  Motion to adjourn by Ms. Wilburn, 2nd Alicia Hardwick. Motion carried.



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